Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sketchbook Friday

Two weeks of classes left, then a week of spring break. Only to start the whole ten weeks over again. So I'm fairly busy getting my final work ready. Sketchbook Friday, enjoy!

pages from my sketchbook:
studies of some turtles at the lake

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Figure Drawing Portfolio

My drawing class required a figure drawing portfolio, which consisted of selected pieces from a life drawing series we completed. These drawings include quick gestures, medium, and longer length poses. Here are some sample photos of my work. Nothing special or completely finished, just renderings in the allowed time that the model posed.

quick gestures

male studies

female studies

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hey, I've got a blog!

So... Ive been encouraged to start really networking, and being that I don't have a Facebook or Myspace, I thought a blog would be a good way to start. I hope to be an illustrator one day and this may help. I don't expect to receive all my commissions based solely on this site, but I do hope to connect with other artists and maybe receive some valuable feedback. If anything this is a way to keep in touch with my family back home and allow them to see exactly what I am up to. I'm not promising a daily update, but I will try to make posts when I can. Included you will find: some facts about me and what I am up to, as well as sketches, paintings, drawings, photos, and whatever else I maybe able to create. Art and music go hand in hand in my book so, rest assured, that will be included. Thanks to all and here's to hoping I remain inspired.